Tomorrow Is Today

Have you ever wondered what your future will look like? Do you feel you need support to achieve your professional and personal goals? Nowadays, it is no longer enough to be highly qualified to achieve professional success. Soft skills, creativity, flexibility and the ability to work in a team are also important. With help comes the “Tomorrow Is Today” project, which has just started in Tykocin, near Bialystok 🤝

Dreams become reality

On April 9 this year, in Tykocin, a place full of history and inspiration, a group of young people from 5 European countries began their adventure in learning the skills of tomorrow: Italy, Portugal, Czech Republic, Turkey and Poland. The “Tomorrow Is Today” project is a journey through the world of possibilities, discovering one’s passions and developing as an individual.

Basic information about the project

Project name: Tomorrow Is Today

Date: 09-16.04.2024

Place: Tykocin

Type of mobility: Youth Exchange

Number of participants: 30

Shaping Future Leaders

Through participation in the Tomorrow Is Today project, participants will receive the key skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the future. They will not only learn creativity, assertiveness or project management, but also discover their unique talents and abilities.

What will project participants gain?

  • Development of Future Competencies: Through participation in the project, participants will gain the skills necessary to function in future professions. They will learn how to use data, develop emotional intelligence and work in teams. All of this will be useful not only in the work environment, but also in everyday life.
  • Exploring the professions of the future: UX Designer, Digital Linguist or Space Architect – these are just some of the promising career paths that participants will learn more about during the project.
  • Developing soft skills: Whether you want to be a team leader or an entrepreneur, soft skills are the key to success. During the project, participants will learn assertiveness, communication, creativity and teamwork skills – everything they need to succeed in today’s business world.
  • Use of new technologies: In this age of digital revolution, the ability to use new technologies is essential. The “Tomorrow is today” project will help participants understand the basics of artificial intelligence, use educational applications and effectively utilize digital potential in the learning process.
  • Project management: A key skill in today’s business world. Participants will learn methods to effectively manage their activities, achieve goals and deal with project challenges.


The Tomorrow Is Today project is not only a chance to gain knowledge and skills, but also an opportunity to meet new people, make business contacts and develop your passions.

See how the project participants are doing – follow our social media by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the page! 👩‍💻

The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ program.

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